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Turner Trip Blog Details
London Day Nine
Finally, the rains came. The cool weather and heavy drizzle caused us to sleep in a little today. We finally decided to brave the weather and were so glad we did. The clouds never broke but the rain stopped and the winds died down.
We took the train into Victoria Station and walked to Buckingham Palace. The next four hours we filled with picture taking and being in awe of the massive structures before us.We stopped back by Scott's house to say bye to their kids. We played Wii and I got my rear kicked in Bowling and boxing. We did OK on a trivia game... although we did not know the UK or many sports answers. We are packing for home right now.
London Day Eight
Long day around London today. Walked a lot and took almost 400 pictures. We ate at a Spanish restaurant and then saw the play Wicked at the West End. It is 1am and we are headed to bed.We saw a lot of Hip Londoners in the Knotting Hill area. It seems to the the Melrose of London. 20 and 30 somethings dressing up in their hip outfits (Black of course) and shopping, sipping tea, and looking important.
Notes on fitting in on a London Subway:
1) Wear something black. Its like a giant funeral around here.
2) Listen to your i-pod. It doesn't matter if it on, but keep the earpieces in to avoid conversations with Americans.
3) Read a paper. There is a discarded tabloid on almost every seat.
4) Keep quiet. Only American tourist are loud. Not the British
5) When appropriate... cuss. The F-Bomb is no stranger to the British tongue.I really like this city. It is full of old and new world nicely blended. The building are phenomenal, the people are beautiful, and the weather has been great. (I know that is is not normal) The whole experience has been epic. I feel we dove into the city life and into the country charm of England. From slow train rides in the country to the Underground subways within the city, we have seen a lot.
London Day Seven
Bill woke up with a sever limp in his left leg. I have no idea how his day went yet because he and Liza went a different direction than Mandy and I.
We headed to the trains and went all around the south of London. Down to the coast, over to the east, up towards London and back to our hotel about 30 minutes after dark. Its been a long day but full of interesting scenery.
We learned everything we needed to know about trains, schedules, tickets, pay-as-you-go bathrooms, seating etiquette, and "minding the gap."
The coast was cold and windy in some towns yet pleasant and warmer in others. We were able to find most all the gifts we needed in the towns we visited today. Most everyone is very friendly. If not, it is because they are "properly" keeping to themselves.
Mandy and I had fish and chips at a pub in Leatherhead. I hit my head twice on the same cross beam near the bar. Dang my short British ancestors.
The weather has just been great this whole trip. It rained for a few hours one day... other than that, its been sunny and fair. We couldn't ask for better fall weather. Cool and little breezy and sometimes damp.... but that is typical London.
London Day Six
Woke up and had another great breakfast and walked to the train. The station is about 1.5 miles from our hotel down a nice windy street littered with nice houses, an old church, a few pubs, and large trees.
The station has a train come by every few minutes and most them take us where we need to go. Once Bill and I arrived in Leatherhead, we walked about a mile to the office via the a path besides a river. It is beautiful and very peaceful. We had a meeting with the whole staff and then had some one-on-one time with employees. It was a very productive day.
The walk back home seemed a lot longer than the walk to work. All four of us went back to the same pub near the hotel for dinner and called it an early night.
Pubs are a very interesting place here. They are next to churches and part of everyone's lives. Even good Christian women would be seen in a pub... eating and socializing. It does not have the stigma of a bar in the states. The ones we have visted are hundreds of years old. I have enjoyed them very much.
London Day Five
An early morning eating a English breakfast (eggs, beans, ham, and hash browns) in the hotels dinner. Low ceilings, fireplaces, and quaint table settings made for a unique experience. Productive day at work with some long white-boarding sessions.
We met the chairman of the IFL UK board for lunch and I had grilled sole. Great conversation.
Mandy walked to town and began shopping and changing currency to the Pound. She and Liza took a train to another village to find some jean (pants mean Underwear here). They were brave. I was proud of them.
Mandy, Bill, Liza, and I walked to the local pub and had a truly British dinner: starters, drinks, dessert, and hot tea.
The weather was great today. A little chilly but very crisp and sunny. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?