Last day in Israel had us finishing up at the Garden Tomb, Western Wall, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
We said goodbye to our friends tonight but we hope to keep them in our memories for years to come. God is Good!
Israel Day 11 2010
Israel Day 10 2010
Israel Day 9 2010
Traveled to the Dead Sea area today to view Masada, the Dead Sea Scroll area, En Gedi, and to swim in the sea. It was oily and saltly... but it was NOT hot. The desert was only 75 degrees today. Awesome.We walked up to the highest spring and saw where David and his men hid from Saul. Great place.
We also saw where almost 1,000 Jews killed themselves to keep from death or slavery from the Romans almost 2,000 years ago.
Israel Day 8 2010
Israel Day 6 2010
What an amazing day today. Started out of the Sea of Galilee on a boat, headed to the ancient city of Beth Shan (City that hung King Saul's body on its wall), drove by Jericho, stopped at a military zone to visit the site of Israelites entering the Promise Land and Jesus' baptism... then entered the Holy City of Jerusalem at sundown.
Right after a quick dinner, we walked through the Western Wall tunnels then now... to bed! What a LONG day!
Israel Day 5 2010
Israel Day 4 2010
Israel Day 3 2010
Israel Day 2 2010
Been a great day at the Dan Panorama Hotel. Early morning breakfast and then a mid morning meeting for IFL staff. A large group of us headed over to Joffa for a quick tour of the Biblical port city, then we came back to the hotel to greet guest arriving from the airport.
A smaller group of friends went with us to walk the market streets and see the sights of the local neighborhoods.
Israel Day1 2010
Most of this day was on a plane over the Atlantic. Our 11 hour plane ride was short and sweet. Security check in was painless, we had exit row seating (plenty of leg room), and best of all...both Mandy and I slept the entire flight thanks to Xanax (sleeping pill) and exhaustion from a day of touring New York!
The weather here is much warmer than we anticipated which means we may have some sink washing to do a few times, since neither Mandy and I brought too many pairs of shorts. IFL was predicting more rainy days and cooler days than our last trip two years ago (May 2008).
Well we are now going to shower up after being in the same clothes for almost 48hrs and perhaps try to get ourselves on Israel time.... which is 9 hours ahead!!!!
I remember the food now. Lots of stuff, looks good, smells good, but I just can't eat it. I stick with the same three things each time. Going to be a long week. Maybe I can drop a few pounds.
New York was great. Climbed the Statue of Liberty and got to see out of the crown of her head. 300+ steps in a tight spiral staircase almost killed me but it was a great day. Walked around Central Park for a while too.
We had a 7 hour layover and got to see the city a little. You can see the pictures we took of New York on our Picasa Album.
Israel Day 0 2010
Packing today and leaving at 3am for the airport. A 8+ hour layover in New York with the Stiles and then a 10 1/2 hour flight to Tel Aviv. As of now, we plan to visit Ellis Island, Rockerfeller Center, Times Square, and some of Central Park. Then off to security and my awesome exit row seats!!
The Holyland, here we come. (Southern Steps of the Temple Mount. Jesus entered the temple from these steps. )