Not sure if it really counts as day 2 or not. It is 9:43 at night. Dark outside right now but it is Monday day in Dallas. This counts as our day two since our last post was Sunday.
Israeli customs was not near as bad as we have been told. It was no problem at all. The airport was big and looked very nice. No guard dogs and guns (that I saw).
Traffic was bad.
Our bus was VERY impressive. Very lush and new! If we tour the Holy land in these bad boys all week, then I will consider us very lucky.
Our room is clean and overlooks the Mediterranean Sea.

Just took a shower and went down to eat with some other IFL and DTS staff. Food was great. Buffet style. not food I normally eat.. but that is good. We need to expand our horizons.
We are now hooked up with Internet and uploading more images. $17.50 Shekels a day (we think).
Tomorrow we will walk up to Joppa (Jonah's port and Peter's vision) about 1 mile up the beach. We have a few meetings to attend. Our big Welcome meeting is Tuesday evening. Most of the tour guest arrive in the afternoon.
Looks pretty high class. Mom went to get the kids out of school. I'm gonna throw Zander a little BP and then take him & Gabe to the game, then Mom will bring Addie at gametime.
Love Dad
I love you too
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