Took the train ride. It could not have been better weather. The experience was awesome. The kids just loved it. Noisy but a good noisy. Train sounds: whistles, creaks, squeals, pops, and grinds. The views were great and made me miss East Texas very much. Tall trees, lots of creeks, old houses, plenty of cattle, deep valleys, rolling hills, and friendly people. We saw at least 20+ deer stands along the way. I would recommend this trip to anyone. I am sure we will do it again someday.
We went to Tyler and met up with my high school best friend. After a drive around looking at old houses, schools, parks, and friends homes, we went out to eat at a favorite restaurant. It was too late to drive back to Gunter so we just booked a hotel room in Tyler. Holiday Inn Express with a indoor pool. Kids are happy. Mom and dad are tired.
Palestine and Tyler Trip
Athens and Rusk Texas
Well, the Turners got a wild hair over the weekend. In order to get away from the phone, TV, and (almost) Internet, we decided to leave the house together and head to East Texas.Even though we are winging it, we did plan on two things... The Athens State Fishery and the Rusk to Palestine Steam Railroad. Tonight we are in a cheap hotel, where our kids thought 65 degrees and early spring weather was enough of an excuse to go swimming in the pool.
We enjoyed the fishery and took a nice nature walk around the grounds. I was very impressed. I have always wanted to go here since it opened years ago. I bet it is even more beautiful in the late spring. We had a blast feeding the catfish in one of the outdoor tanks. My kids finally got the nerve to touch the fish on their heads. Every once in a while, a fish would start to flop and got the crowd (and us) very wet. It was a neat opportunity to see these big fish up close.
We then went to a local seafood place on Lake Athens. After a short drive to Rusk, we went to a long "footbridge" in a small park in downtown Rusk. We just dried off the kids from their swim and have their lips almost back to red. Mandy and I feel a little bad, as I have missed church for 4 weeks now. But we figured that God is with us and we really needed the uninterrupted family time. We plan on having a small church service in our hotel room, provided the Gideons did their duty. I'm hoping to pull a good tithe as gas is $3.20 in this area.
We played a game as we drove. Girls vs boys in a game of "I-spy." Each team received a point as you spotted one of the above: Yellow car, white horse, green Corvette, oil well, red barn, Dalmatian, Great Dane, fireworks stand, blue tractor, or working windmill. So far, Zander and I are winning 26 to 21.
Take a look at the pictures of our travels today.
And Addison's Cold Swim. (Yes, she says "In your face" at the end.) Public Schools!
Nashville Day Six
Just woke. Wayne, Bill, Paul, and I are headed to the airport in 30 minutes. I will be looking for Addison's gift at the airport. Couldn't find anything at the mall yesterday that I liked.
Didn't know so many IFLers were on the plane. We got to hang out in the terminal for a while watching all the musicians going to and fro their gigs in Nashville. Bill and I were amazed at how bad it seems Nashville markets itself. The city and airport really had no souvenirs or icons that represented their city. Even Grand Ole Opry items were not to be found in the shops. I bet Memphis has issues with Nashville selling so many Elvis items.

Boy do I miss my family. Its been way to long away from them. Over the course of the last 3 weeks, I have missed 2 soccer games, a student of the month award, 2 teeth being pulled, and a birthday party. These are on top of homework, practices, church, and normal family time. Glad to be in my bed tonight and our noisy little living room and kitchen this evening. Boston is next in April.
Nashville Day Five
Busy Day. Saw (and heard) President Bush give NRB a speech. Walked by the Grand Ole Opry. Went to the Mall. Watch a new Ben Stein movie at the convention and had a formal dinner to end NRB. Was a long but great day. I enjoyed talking to my IFL peers outside the office. They are more friendly after 3 full meals and desserts each day.
James Dobson speaking at the NRB Dinner
Got to bed about Midnight after packing.
Nashville Day Four
Got lost in the Gaylord with Wayne this AM. Wow, this place is BIG. Jack Graham signed a book for me and I saw Charles Stanley a few times. His book signing line is way too long to stand in.
Had a good discussion with a mobile content company. They still seem to be in their infancy, but that is true with a lot of tech companies. I asked a simple question and got a vague answer. "Who is the champion of mobile technology within companies/organizations you work with? Internet team, Marketing, Production, Information Technology? " They answered, "We work day to day with the team that hands us off the content." This tells me they don't know the 'in-door" to the companies they are trying to lure. But it also tells me they are hungry to find partners. I plan to meet with them again.
The bad news is just what I thought. No one has standardized a payment gateway or application. So the carriers are charging 30-50% of the transaction of purchased products/services/donations. A "Please call" call-to-action still could warrant a "connect fee." If you just want to minister for free, the carrier say "Whats in it for us?" I would love to be first to market and cutting edge, but it might be painful to mature with the industry... not knowing the return. I'll pray about it & discuss with Wayne.
Thought I would be bored here, but am finding walking, eating, meeting, and listening takes up to 90% of my day. The rest I fill with finding happy hours, stealing pens, and flirting with the help.
My next two meetings should be good. "Repurposing Content" and another meeting with Salem Communication's Web Division "" If I have time to eat and work out, I then plan on going to a free comedy night. Christians are funny!
Although there is room for consultants in this world, I am getting a little frustrated with the Tech meetings here. They are littered with companies trying to brand themselves experts and then implying that you couldn't possibly make it without them. I have only asked a few questions in the sessions, but each one was not answered or not answered correctly. They can't help the people on the road, they can only help someone get on the road. I want to have dialog with someone who has already been down the path we are going. Looks like I will have to find niche companies and discuss each point individually. This of course takes time and I, of course, am not patient enough to finish a
I saw a mall right next to the hotel last night. They have a Bass Pro Shop. I might kill two birds and walk there instead of the comedy night. We will see if anyone else is crazy enough to do the same with me. It is a little cold in the evenings and I'm not wearing a blazer in my free time. A man has to stand for something: casual dress, long baths, No-Tollways, simple mobile billing, and NO MALE LINE DANCING are mine. These are a little more conservative than my neighbor's causes: Sleeveless shirts, repeal open container laws, dirty-word bumper stickers, and "if it flies, it dies" open hunting seasons.
The next meeting is run by the "Love Worth Finding" Radio and TV ministry. She is head of their Marketing division. I had breakfast with her group the other day. Very nice.
Nashville Day Three
Missed the worship service today. Late night, already being tired, and the time change made opening my eyes real tough this morning. I think I pulled back the drapes near 10:30am. With food being so expensive here, I decided to dig into my hospitality bag for breakfast. I hope salted peanuts, water, and a granola bar will get me through till supper.
Tony said he went to the steak house here last night. Steak, Salad, Potatoes, and Tea was $83 with a tip. So I guess if I can skip a few meals today, I might could afford an appetizer later this evening. I plan on sneaking in my own Mountain Dew in a flask.
I have a good meeting today mid-afternoon, then a meeting with a vendor around 5pm. I think I will walk around the expo floor for a while too. Look for pictures.
I forgot to mention that last night's General Opening Session was good. Micheal W Smith opened with a small concert. He is very talented. The keynote speaker was good too. They confirmed that President Bush will be here Tuesday at 11am.
I am sitting in an "Executive Internet Management & Strategy" session in Bayou Room A. The room is only half full. I assume with it being Sunday and with the daylight savings change some people decided to stay in their rooms today. They also opened the conference tradeshow expo and that has a lot of people running around looking at the booths and vendors. I am surprised how many Israel booths that there are. I even saw a weight loss booth. WOW. I can't seem to get away from the small still voice.. "Stop Eating Dude!"
Speaker just said or I just thought of:
17% Americans look online before attending a church.
65% Donors visit non-profit website before making decision
75% of those visitors said website/visit had impact on decision
5 keys to Magnify Your Ministry Using the Internet
1. Define Strategy, Set Targets, Measure and Adjust (SWOT analysis: strength, weakness, oppertunity, tactics)
2. Present effective visual and content messaging
3. Grow the regularity & volume of online donations
4. Gain efficiency through ministry web applications and integration
5. Reach more people with Web Media (Not sure this one counts as a key)
Live Webcasts (He used Harvest as en example) and said 100,000 people will watch it. Footer and nav changed based on what is being displayed. Users can jump to chapters within the video. (drop down list of chapters) Flash Player vs interface application. Viewer time in interface (w/ menus and supplement) x4 over simple Flash player. "but did the call to action improve?"
Microsite for Topical Pages, with their own Convio campaigns. Great Idea for measuring. Also can use keywords for SEO
Disaster Planing Pages: Death, Hospital, Etc. Build Early and hold.
Broadcast Stories: Making Waves in the World
Plant seed for END of the YEAR SEO NOW! Build Page ASAP.
We went to the famous WhiteHorse saloon this evening. Had some great ribs, steak, and sweet tea. A three-story bar/restaurant with a large dance floor and stage. A great band named "32 Below" played while some questionable characters line danced. I feel it is time to get my work-in-progress published "Real Men Don't Line Dance... and other little known truths." It is sad to know that Tennessee, a state I used to respect, has just as many men, line-dancers than California had. What is going on here? The state that sent "volunteers" to protect our Alamo and fight for Texan freedom has now become "boot scoot'n sissies." I am a little torn. Not sure if I should shake their hands or give them a little talk'n to. Wearing dead squirrels and coons on their head was one thing, but now this? God bless Texas!
Not sure where Paul is tonight. I thought I stayed out late but he is still not here. I'll check lost and found in a few hours.
Tony, Jonas, and I played some pool tonight. We each won one game of Cut Throat. It seems we all had a little pool hall left in us but were very rusty. I glad Bill was not here. He makes the loser play the next game with their shirt off.
Nashville Day Two
Woke up and had a short workout with Bill and Wayne. Wayne has some new cool workout shoes I have to get a picture of. Had a great breakfast with Love Worth Finding at the Riverside Cafe and stayed for about 2 hours discussing the Internet and business. I also went to check in.
I am back at the hotel room and on the phone with TXU. They lost my payment and I am being forced to convince them that a canceled check, confirmation number, and 8 years of on-time payments should prove that the payment was made last month. FUN, FUN.
I plan on walking around and taking pictures very soon.
Tonight we saw Jimmy Dickens, Hal Ketchun, Ricky Skaggs, Lee Greenwood, Marty Stuart, Bill Anderson, Mel Tillis, and Charlie Daniels.
Nashville Day One
After a confusing morning trying to get another flight, we managed to book and sit on a 4:15 plane bound for Tennessee. Paul and I got the back two seats right next to the engines and restrooms. But we are not complaining since we managed to park, check in, breeze through security, and take off on time. Ben and his wife from Canada were on the same flight, so the eight of us with our luggage crammed into a mini van and drove to the Gaylord Hotel.WOW, Very impressive. This place is huge and has plenty to see. We just ate dinner by a water fountain with lights and a music show. The buffet style dinner and dessert bar was a hit. Without a map, one could easily get lost in the massive hallways and corridors.
It has been a long day. We are back in the room and getting ready for bed. I'll upload pictures later. I have a 7:45 breakfast in the AM.
Wayne has two books with him. Not sure if this one is the Teaching Theology 401 or Harry Potter Goes to Walgerstville.
Day Thirteen
I should be asleep now. It is 2:32 am Texas time. But it is late evening Australian time to my body. This is going to be hard to get back on schedule. I am on the laptop in Tex's room and trying not to wake the house up. Wonder if I should turn down the radio? Rave music really helps me write and gets the creative juices flowing. I'll at least turn off the strobe light and set the smoke machine to low.
As I mentioned before, traveling to new places and experiencing different cultures is a real eye opener. Australia is a great place to live, but things we take for granted are so much more appreciated.There are many things I admire about the Aussies: Voting is the law, very clean cities, more yield signs than stop signs, great places to eat, small stores, grocery stores in the malls, friendly people, and laid back attitude. Their love of the outdoors is second to none.
I enjoyed noticing the subtle differences in our languages. 98% the same words but just used differently: "Yield" signs say "Give Way." "Do not Pass" signs say "Do not Overtake." We say "Great Job" they say "Well Done." We say "Hello" and they say "Good Day." We say "Ketchup" they say "Tomato Paste." We say "No problem" they say "No Worries." We say "did you find what you were looking for?" and they say "How'd it go then?" We say "Let's go to Starbucks" they say "How 'bout some tea, then?"
One of the hardest things, I would have thought would have been no problem, was crossing the street. 38 years of looking left before crossing is not easily forgotten. My little brain could not get used to Aussies driving on the left hand side of the road. I have heard this has killed more than 1 or 2 tourists throughout the years.
I will say that I have a new love for the sports of Cricket, Rugby, and Australian Rules Football. But after being forced to watch 20+ hours of it, I guess that was bound to happen. Even the news programs run 2-4 minute clips of highlights from games. They are obsessed with their sports. There is a game on almost at any hour of the day. On the last day at the hotel Bill and I actually watched a "Lawn Bowling" tournament. I guess the Australians would rather watch paint dry than watch an American sport. They kept mentioning that if the toughest sport we have, NFL football, lets players wear "body armor" and take breaks and timeouts, then they will stick to real men sports of AFL and Rugby. (They have us on that one).
Their inflation seems high. Our dollars are almost the same ($1 USD to .93 AUD) but their prices are higher. They love coming to the states to buy clothes because our prices are dramatically lower. But this is because our dollar buys more than theirs does. They pay almost $4.50 a gallon for gas. Really $1.40 AUD a liter. Restaurants were fairly expensive. At first I thought their economy must be stronger (maybe it is), but after doing the math I realized that their inflation is worst than ours. It takes more of their dollars to get what we can get for less. Makes for a very expensive trip to visit them, but makes their US trips seem like dreamland.
They have broadband but it is not too broad. And you pay for it like a cell phone. A monthly fee gets you so much data but if you go over, you get charged per kilobyte. I would have a hard time choosing what websites to visit if my traffic was governed. Makes MP3 downloads not a great cost savings compared to CD purchases.
I must confess something, before Peter sends an "all user" email to IFL. One day, Peter took Bill and I to this small tea room. To be honest, I already felt a little light-in-the-loafers just walking to a place with small tables, gifts on the wall, and desserts on the counter. But such is the way of life down under. I figure if Peter could walk in then it couldn't be too bad. Having never ordered any tea but "iced," I struggled at the menu. Bill ordered hot chocolate, Peter ordered coffee. Neither sounded good to me. Since I did not see Mountain Dew or Schlitz on the menu, I thought I would see why Aussies spend 20 minutes of their day drinking tea. After reading a few selections I could not pronounce or understand (Wallybure, Wogga Wogga, Kolli Ringo, and Tauzzie Tauzzie) I decided on a simple brew titled "Fruits of the Forest." I should have known when the waitress asked me if "I was sure" that I had made the wrong choice. Five minutes later came Peter's robust mug of hot brew. Even Bill's tall glass of warm milk had some manly characteristics. But then came the most delicate, Victorian, 7-year-old girl looking, tea set you have ever seen... with its "PINK" tea and flowered tea bag.Needless to say, I had to catch heck from Peter for almost the entire trip. Of course, a real man would have never led a friend to place that even sells pink tea. I did the manly thing and drank a little but all the while I told a story about gutting a deer I once shot, explained how to properly whittle, discussed why the 69 Camaro carburetor was better than the Vette's 78 fuel injector, diagrammed World War II tank maneuvers, and explained the infield pop-fly rule. I expect to have my man-card mailed back to me within 2-3 weeks.
I enjoyed my trip and would love to take my family there for a 2-3 week vacation. The beauty of the land and people makes this trip worth the incredibly long plane ride. As far as IFL goes, the trip was success. Meeting Peter and his family was the highlight of the entire trip. What a class act, what a man of integrity, and what a great leader (Family, Work, and Church). Nice to know God has him there and that he is on the same team as I am. I thank God that I was allowed to go on this epic journey and I thank God that I was encouraged and renewed by seeing such a dedicated team working tirelessly to make sure that solid Bible teaching is preached around the globe. They enjoy their ministry and service.Traveling with Bill has been great. Not only is having a seasoned international traveler a real help to this Texas redneck, but wise counsel is a great co-pilot on any journey. Bill is a professional and a cut-up all rolled into one. He has a great sense of humor or he has the skill to hide anger and will terminate me as soon as he gets back to his desk and finds the right forms. Either way, he has been fun to spend almost 40 consecutive meals with and to travel half-way around the world. It will be weird to see him in the office with his shirt on again.
Day Twelve
Landed early this am at LAX. Customs was easy and the traffic around the airport was not too bad. We took a shuttle to my sister's house in La Canada and crashed for a few hours. The weather is great here. If it wasn't for all the people, traffic, price gouging, earthquakes, gangs, and liberals, I think I could make this a vacation spot.
Bill is headed out with a few friends and my family is going to eat and to the batting gages for some baseball practice. We drove around the Hollywood Hills for a while to see Ron and Tanya's old place. (This is not it) The old houses in the Hollywood hills are very historic and well kept. Very European. That means, close to the road and wooden garage doors, not hair under the arm housewives and rude shopkeepers,
We went to In and Out Burger for supper, so Tippy did not have to cook. I love the drive through menu. Very simple. Burger, cheese burger, fries, drink. What other choices do you really need from a burger stand?
Bill is driving around looking for a tattoo parlor. Someone messed up the kangaroo on his arm. I think he is looking to see if it can be tweaked into a battleship, Guns & Roses album art, or IFL's UK logo.
We watched "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader." Which apparently, I am not. Bill, who does not watch TV for over 6 years now, is smarter than a 10 year old. Wonder if it is the reading he does? I better rent and watch a documentary from NetFlix to find out.
We both got to talk to our wives for a while tonight. Boy do I miss home. Can't wait to show the kids the small gifts I got them.
Day Eleven
Bill and I will be waking up and walking across the street to check in. We leave at 12:20pm and land in LA the same morning at 11am. Strange. But I am sure I will somehow be tired. I am thinking of a bet I can make with Bill where I already know what happens. Stay tuned as I try to make some money from my time travels.Did not get the same seat that we had on the way over but we did get two side-by-side and had a window. We were near the restrooms too. Here is a shot out of my window.
and a great shot of early sunrise over the clouds and over the Pacific Ocean.