Headed to the motherland in September and October to visit Scott Bean's IFL UK office. Mandy and I will be traveling with Bill and Liza.
We will be staying in Leatherhead with Scott Bean's family for a few nights then join Bill at our hotel in the Surry Countryside for the remainder of the time.
Below is a Google Maps insert of the area we will be hanging out, just South of London. About 30 minutes by train.
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London Trip Details
Tyler State Park and Zoo
Took the family to East Texas for a 3 day weekend. Didn't plan it, just loaded the car Friday morning and headed out.
Got a great Shelter (# 16) on top of a wooded hill near the restrooms. Not too close to hear visitors or doors slamming, but close enough to watch the kids walk over. We had a LOT of space. Hung a hammock, put out horseshoes, made a small washer pit, and made the place home for a few days.We took a few walks, one of them around the entire lake. Gabe did great. He was able to keep up and did not complain once. All five of us hopped on a paddle boat and went around the lake for about an hour on our first day.
Notable events included: Seeing a black widow near the bathroom, watching a snake eat a mouse at a park ranger event, jumping off the floating dock about 200 times, playing horseshoes and washers, sleeping on a hard concrete floor, having a 'large" tree limb fall and hit where we were standing just 30 seconds earlier, and eating at my favorite roadside taco stand in Canton.
Brazil Trip Day Nine
Ok. I had one of the best seafood dinners of my life. A Fish and Shrimp Stew. The taste is still in my mouth from last night. Simple fabulous. We had crab claws for a small appetizer and the dipping sauce for those was just wonderful. The hole in the wall restaurant was actually well known and had a lot of accolades on the wall. The New York Times had a small article with great reviews in a small frame.
I learned some very sad news last night. It has been on my mind a lot as I laid in bed. Rio not only has homeless people but also street children. We have seen them begging and also sleeping on the streets each day. Barefoot and dirty clothes. (I know to Americans the problem seems easily fixed... just give them money, take them home, or get the help somehow. It just does not work like that here. It has been tried) The country has no orphanages. The kids wont accept certain help. They have been taken advantage of so much, that they don't understand love, help, compassion. They "live" on the streets. Its a way of life. They steal, beg, and manage somehow. Some are 2 and 3rd generation homeless.
That is sad enough... but here is the very horrifying news I learned. Just 10 years ago, there was a "Save the World" conference in Rio (Very Ironic) and city/country leaders did not want visitors to see the children on the street. So a week before it began, they started going around the city at night and picking up the children. After the event was over, the kids were not seen and questions started to be asked. Turns out over 4 thousand of the street kids were mass murdered by the government. The newspaper broke the story and I believe pictures were taken of the mass graves. It breaks my heart.We had a great day at Rio on the Beach. I was made to eat Sushi at a small (and I mean small) restaurant even though fish are made to catch, put on walls, and to put in aquariums. They are not made to skin and eat raw. However, I was a trooper and ordered grill salmon and shrimp on the side. It was VERY good.
The plane trip was OK. We did have a baby sitting in front of us who was trying to break glass with her high pitched squeal... for the entire 8 hours. We then had to wait almost 20 minutes for AA to open the doors of the plane. Customs and Security was very easy.
I can't wait to get home, see my wife, kids, and my bed.
Brazil Trip Day Eight
Finally got to spend time on the beach today. Poor Tony bought some sun glasses on the beach then lost them on a big wave 5 minutes later. We were able to boogie board on some big waves. It was really fun. Not sure if I burned or not, but the people beside me sure did.
We then took the trip up the Sugar Mountain on the cable car. It was very cloudy but we got some good shots and great scenery. 360 views of the entire area of Rio. It is a beautiful city with great views from various high spots. I was impressed.
Brazil Trip Day Seven
Just woke up in the room with Ken.. overlooking the beach in Rio. It is very nice. I expect the fog/mist to burn off soon and get a clearing picture of the city.
We were told by Ken to NOT carry passports, lots of money, or jewelry. This town is know to treat tourist very bad. Steal, beat up, or even worst. We MUST travel together and watch each other's back. There are a lot of street vendors (and gangs) and they run a lot of scams on visitors. Other than that, its beautiful here and tattoos are 1/2 price.
Brazil Trip Day Six
We were able to sleep in a little this morning and pack our bags. Today's plan is to wrap things up at the office and drive a round the city for a quick tour. Maybe see the official government buildings and some key landmarks before we head for the airport this evening.
We had our last free breakfast at the hotel. It has been nice to sit down around a large spread of fresh fruit and a guy making custom omelettes.
As I mentioned before, the hotel is 5 star. Not in amenities, so much, but more in curb-side service, I imagine. Every morning there are 4 or 5 guys on the red carpet managing cars, people, taxis, etc. They are very serious about making sure everyone wanting in gets in and everyone needing out, gets out. Plus, there are some very wealthy visitors at our hotel. Based on the amount of long Mercedes and guys wearing dark sun glasses standing by them, I would think some might be very important people as well.

Brazil Trip Day Five
An unbelievable meal last night with Ken Grant, Esly Carvalho, Tony Garza and Rachel Garza at Fogo De Chao. It is within walking distance of our hotel. One of the best meals on my life and great conversation too. I learned a lot about Jewish Holidays from Esly.

Just returned from the mall. What would make me think of venturing out alone? You have NO idea how many people speak to you in a day, until you can't understand them. (Hello, how are you? what time is it? Where did you get those shoes? do you workout? are you married? can I help you? would you like a shopping basket? hot out there isn't it? wow, you look great in those jeans! I bet you can bench press about 435. Am I right?)
I understood none of it. And looked foolish shaking my head and smiling. AND I could not find the stores and gifts I was looking for. I'll try again with Ken.

These areas of town have one street that connects them with the major roads through town. You can't drive from neighborhood to neighborhood. You mush leave, hit a major road, then enter another neighborhood. This keeps the small streets less congested. Remember.. no red lights or stop signs. I'll get a picture of the small city scaled down to model sized and insert it here.
Brazil Trip Day Four
Breakfast was great. We found an omelet-maker guy near the buffet line. The ingredients are a little different but it taste fine. Unlike Israel, we have bacon here, so that is a plus.
Ken took me with him to the bank. That was an experience. You go through security then up to a receptionist. After you plead your case, she sends you to another room where you sit and wait for someone to call you up.. to plead your case again. It took an hour to get something Americans could do over the phone or Internet. Makes me feel blessed.
Got some work done and answered email this morning. Had some good conversations with Ken.

Brazil Trip Day Three
Wake up call worked. Not a typical Sunday today. Because we need to knock out some work, we are meeting at the office at 9am. (I will be Skyping home later and making an update to the GBF website. I'm praying for the church this morning as they are receiving a special announcement.)
Can't talk enough about the weather here. I can only describe it as perfect. Low humidity. Cool light winds. Sunny. Morning, day, and night. one could wear pants and long sleeves or shorts and a t-shirt. It would feel great in either.

Brazil Trip Day Two
A good flight with very little problems. I sat by a quite man (who might not have spoke English). Guys only need to nod "move over, can I borrow your pen, and I've got to go pee."
I'm still trying to soak in the whole travel experience. Lots of new sights, smells, signs, fashions, and certainly words. Tony might get away with being Brazilian, which is not really helping us out. People assume we know what we are doing and begin speaking Portuguese to us from the start. I learned "No Falo Portuguese" but so far that has only brought stares, finger pointing, and a little shame. Maybe I'm saying it all wrong.

Internet is VERY slow. You can improve it but it cost way more per minute. I may have to upgrade when using Skype. Our hotel is considered 5 star. It is very nice but Ken got it at a great rate from a Christian couple who own it. We have two toilets. Someone might have to show me a Youtube video so I can learn how to use them both. Right now, I'm just keeping my drinks cold in one of them.

Not much on TV.. unless you speak Portuguese or like to read subtitles. Some soccer games and weird talk shows. The shower is one of the best I have ever had. Its like standing under a waterfall. It could knock a small child off his feet.
Great dinner tonight. Brazilian Ribeye steak at an outdoor restaurant. Met some new friends helping on the website with Ken.

Brazil Trip Day One
I am headed to Miami, then Sao Paulo, and will fly home from Rio De Janeiro Sunday June 15th. Tony, Rachel, and I are checked into security and ready to go. Tony had a small detour with the guy at the x-ray machine and our ticket agent thought he was working the floor at a small comedy club, but other than that... all is well. We have tested Skype on our laptops (Sorry Mike), visited the bathroom, stretched, and handed our Religions of the World passports to those within earshot. We are ready for technical ministry.Ok. They just changed our gate from D21 to A15. After a mad dash, we are here and getting ready to load. Tony just spent $1 for a 3 minute massage in a big black chair. I'll wait for one in Brazil. :) NOT!
Ok, with people in the world with real problems, these are really minor... but if you are on this blog.. then you must want to know about my day. Due to a moved gate, 20 minute delay boarding, another 25 minute delay on mechanical issues, we were 2-3 minutes late to our Brazil flight gate (we ran most of the way.. or at least fast walked). They would not let us on even though the plane sat there for 15 more minutes. We were moved to a 11:30 pm flight 4 hours later. And we were given 3 bad seats nowhere near each other. Plus, we now will be missing the next flight out we needed in Brazil. So a bunch of trickle down issues all derived from American Airlines. :(
The good news is we got 3 hours to people watch in Miami. I did not know they let hookers through security. Wow. I think I just saw a women dress like Barbara Eden in I Dream of Genie. Seriously, I would think you have to have clothes on to get in the airport. Apparently not. One lady is wearing a rain coat.. thats it.. PS. Its not raining here. Some Brazilian is writing in her blog right now (WOW. There are some fat guys wearing workout pants around here. Certainly there is a weight limit on these planes. He looks uncomfortable while he is typing.)I hope I can sleep on this plane. I am getting a little tired. love everyone. Good night.