Stayed in bed till 7:30 this AM. Getting ready for Peter to take Bill and I out and see the country side. We are going to look at some wildlife and neat areas by Melbourne.What a great day today. We drove through some totally awesome scenery on the way to a wildlife sanctuary outside of
Peter drove us to some nice villages in the mountains with tea shops and gift shops. We even saw a lookout point overlooking all of the
Once we reached the zoo, a government sanctuary of native Australian wildlife, we walked through a maze of plants and animals that caused Bill and I to stop many times to study the new features we were witnessing. We even got to pet a kangaroo and see a non-sleeping koala. An exciting “Birds of Prey” show gave us the opportunity to see some amazing birds in action. I believe Peter got a real close shot of a fly-over right over our heads.
The evening was capped off with a nice dinner and a movie at Peter’s lovely home. We BBQed some Kangaroo meat and chicken on the back porch. Afterwards the entire group sat by the fire and watch an Australian classic movie titled “The Castle.” Its a hilarious movie about a simple family who lives by the Melbourne airport and are being run off by land developers. With their simple outlook on life, they can't imagine how money could replace all they already have in their small home of 30 years. Meant to be a main-character narrated comedy, it has some basic lessons on family and contentment that really hit home. My favorite line goes something like this, "Dad says life is 90% hard work and 15% luck."
Here is a picture of Peter and his lovely family. Cornelia (wife) and daughters, Carla, Grace (not shown here), Eve, and Mary.
Peter's family tried to explain "Vegemite" and Bill and I tried to explain "Spam." We learned some rude Australian sayings and told funny stories of raising kids. I am sure they had much more fun planned for us, but Bill and I gave out around 10:30 pm and asked to go home.
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